How Long Does It Take To Close A Va Loan

Securing a VA loan can be an excellent option for veterans and active military personnel due to its favorable terms, including no down payment and no private mortgage insurance (PMI). However, one common question that arises is: how long does it take to close a VA loan? The timeline can vary depending on several factors. This article will provide an in-depth look at the process and what to expect.


The time it takes to close a VA loan typically ranges from 30 to 45 days. This period encompasses several key steps, including pre-approval, property appraisal, underwriting, and closing. Various factors such as the borrower's financial situation, the lender's efficiency, and property-related issues can influence the timeline. Understanding each phase can help borrowers prepare and navigate the process smoothly.

Key Steps in the VA Loan Process

  1. Pre-Approval
  2. Property Search and Offer
  3. VA Appraisal
  4. Underwriting
  5. Closing

1. Pre-Approval

Timeframe: 1-3 days

Pre-approval involves submitting initial documentation to a lender to determine eligibility and loan amount. This step is crucial as it shows sellers you are a serious buyer with financing in place.

2. Property Search and Offer

Timeframe: Varies

Finding the right property and having an offer accepted can take anywhere from a few days to several months, depending on market conditions and personal preferences.

3. VA Appraisal

Timeframe: 10-14 days

Once the offer is accepted, the lender orders a VA appraisal to ensure the property meets the VA's minimum property requirements and is valued appropriately. The VA assigns an independent appraiser, which typically takes about two weeks.

4. Underwriting

Timeframe: 10-20 days

During underwriting, the lender evaluates the loan application to verify the borrower's financial status and ensure all VA guidelines are met. This step can vary in duration based on the complexity of the borrower's financial situation and the lender's workload.

5. Closing

Timeframe: 3-7 days

In the closing phase, all parties sign the necessary documents, and the loan funds are disbursed. The exact timing depends on the coordination between the lender, title company, and other involved parties.

Factors Affecting the Timeline

  1. Borrower's Financial Situation: Complex financial histories or discrepancies in documentation can delay the process.
  2. Lender's Efficiency: Different lenders have varying processing times. Choosing a lender experienced with VA loans can expedite the process.
  3. Property-Related Issues: Problems found during appraisal or inspection can lead to delays if repairs or negotiations are required.
  4. External Factors: Market conditions, holiday seasons, and the availability of VA appraisers can also impact the timeline.


How Long Does the VA Appraisal Take?

The VA appraisal typically takes 10-14 days from the time it is ordered by the lender. However, this can vary based on the availability of appraisers and the location of the property.

Can the VA Loan Process Be Expedited?

Yes, the process can be expedited by being well-prepared. Ensure all required documents are readily available, respond promptly to lender requests, and choose a lender experienced with VA loans.

What Happens if There Are Issues During the Appraisal?

If the appraisal reveals issues that need to be addressed, such as repairs or adjustments in the property value, these must be resolved before proceeding to closing. This can add additional time to the process.

How Does My Credit Score Affect the VA Loan Timeline?

While the VA does not set a minimum credit score, individual lenders may have their requirements. A higher credit score can streamline the approval process, while lower scores might require additional documentation and time for evaluation.

Are There Any Upfront Costs Associated with VA Loans?

VA loans typically have a funding fee, which can be financed into the loan amount. Other upfront costs may include appraisal fees and inspection fees, which need to be paid during the process.

For more detailed information about VA loans, you can visit the Wikipedia page on VA loans.


Closing a VA loan generally takes 30 to 45 days, encompassing several critical steps from pre-approval to closing. By understanding the process and preparing adequately, borrowers can help ensure a smoother and more efficient experience. If you're considering a VA loan, it's advisable to consult with a knowledgeable lender to navigate the specific requirements and timelines effectively.


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